The 2ndInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Green Computing
The 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Green Computing (ICAIGC 2025) will take place in Beni Mellal, Morocco, during May 14-16 2025. This event will gather leading academics, researchers, and professionals from various fields. It will serve as a platform for discussing advancements in AI and Green Computing. Attendees will have the chance to exchange ideas and explore solutions to the challenges in these areas.
The conference will feature keynote speeches from internationally recognized experts in AI and Green Computing. Participants can attend oral presentations showcasing cutting-edge research. Interactive poster sessions will also be organized to facilitate discussions. These activities aim to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among participants.
One of the highlights of ICAIGC 2025 will be the “Mellali” social and cultural program, offering participants a unique chance to experience the rich history, culture, and hospitality of Beni Mellal, while fostering informal discussions and collaborations in a welcoming atmosphere.
All accepted papers will be published in the conference’s e-book of abstracts and in the Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS) Springer Series. These publications will be indexed in databases such as Scopus and DBLP. Extended versions of selected papers may also be considered for publication in international journals.
Mark your calendar now and prepare to participate in this highly anticipated scientific event that will serve as a milestone for research and innovation in AI and Green Computing. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this transformative gathering in the heart of Morocco!
Important Dates
Opening | October 2nd, 2024 |
Paper Submission Deadline LAST & FIRM | January 5th, 2025 February 23th, 2025 |
Notification of acceptance | March 30th, 2025 |
Camera-ready | April 13th, 2025 |
Registration & payment | April 18th, 2025 |
Conference | May 14th-16th, 2025 |

Honorary Chairs
Khalid MEHDI, Interim President USMS, MOROCCO

General Chair

General Co-Chairs

Program Chairs

Workshops Chair
Mohamed YOUSSFI, UH2, Morocco

Web Chair
Steering Committee

Aouatif AMINE
ENSA Kenitra, Morocco

Gurjot Singh Gaba
Linköping University, Sweden

Mathieu ROCHE
CIRAD, France

Djemel ZIOU
UDS, Canada

Yassine SADQI
UCA, Morocco

UH1, Morocco

Mohamed LAZAAR
UM5, Morocco
Scientific Committee
- Abdelilah JILBAB, ENSAM-Rabat, Morocco
- Abdelhalim HNINI, HIU, Morocco
- Abderrahim EL MAHOUTI, AEU, Morocco
- Abdelghani BOUDHAR , FST Beni Mellal, Morocco
- Abdelali El MOUFIDI, FST Beni Mellal, Morocco
- Abdellatif HAIR , FST Beni Mellal, Morocco
- Abdelkrim HAQIQ, FST Settat, Morocco
- Abeer ALSADOON Charles Sturt University, Sydney, Australia
- Adil ENAANAI, AEU, Morocco
- Ahmed HAMMOUCH, UM5, Morocco
- Ahmed BENTAJER, AEU, Morocco
- Ahmed FAKIHI, ENSIAS, Morocco
- Amel BENAZZA , Sup’Com, Tunisia
- Amina RADGUI, INPT, Morocco
- Aouatif AMINE, ENSA Kenitra, Morocco
- Aziz DAROUICHI, CAU, Morocco
- Ahmed KHAN RIZWAN, Salim Habib University ( formerly Barrett Hodgson University), Pakistan
- Anouar DARIF, FP USMS, Morocco
- Abderrafiaa KOUKAM, UTBM, France
- Abhijeet BANODE, DISH , USA
- Awatef ROUIJEL, UM5, Morocco
- Amina OUATIQ, FSTS, UH1, Morocco
- Abdellah AMINE, USMS
- Bouchaib CHERRADI , ENSAJ, Morocco
- Badr HSSINA, FST Mohammadia, Morocco
- Christian S. Jensen, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Chaima AZROUMAHLI, FSTS, UH1, Morocco
- Dhouha ATTIA, Sup’Com, Tunisia
- Driss AIT OMAR, FST Beni Mellal, Morocco
- Djemel ZIOU, UDS, Canada
- Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University, Canada
- El houssaine HSSAYNI, UM5R, Morocco
- Fatma Kerouh, Sherbrooke University, Canada
- Fadoua ATAA-ALLAH, IRCAM Rabat, Morocco
- Françoise SAILHAN, CNAM, France
- Gurjot SINGH GABA, Linköping University, Sweden
- Hicham ZOUGHAGH, FST Beni Mellal, Morocco
- Hajar KHALLOUKI, lakehead University, Canada
- Hicham OUCHITACHEN, USMS, Morocco
- Hicham MOUNCIF, USMS, Morocco
- Houda CHAKIB, FST Beni Mellal, Morocco
- Hadj BATATIA, Heriot Watt University, Dubai
- Hassan AHMED, NUCES, Pakistan
- Hassan OUAHI, FSA, UIZ, Morocco
- Imed ROMDHANI, Edinburgh Napier University, Netherlands
- Imane ELMIR ISSS, UH1, Morocco
- Junaid QADIR, Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan
- Jose MARTINEZ, Ecole Polytechnique de Nantes, France
- Josep DOMINGO-FERRER, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Catalonia
- Lotfi CHAARI, INP Toulouse, France
- Mohamed BAHAJ, FST Settat, Morocco
- Mounir KAANICHE, Univ. Sorbone Paris Nord, France
- Mohammed KAICER, Ibn Tofail University, Morocco
- Mounia ZAYDI, UH1, Morocco
- Mohamed-Salim BOUHLEL, SETIT, Tunisia
- Majdouline HANIFI, UIR, Morocco
- Mathieu ROCHE, CIRAD, France
- Mohamed Nabil SAIDI, INSEA, Morocco
- Mohamed-Salim BOUHLEL, SETIT, Tunisia
- Mohammed HANINI, UH1, Morocco
- Mohamed ERRITALI, FST Beni Mellal, Morocco
- Michael Nikitas Vrahatis, University of Patras, Greece
- Mustapha NAMOUS, FP Beni Mellal, Morocco
- Mohamed Nabil, FS, UCD, Morocco
Mohamed Hanine, ENSAJ, UCD, Morocco - Noreddine GHERABI, USMS, Morocco
- Noureddine FALIH, USMS, Morocco
- Nsiri BENAYAD, ENSAM Rabat, Morocco
- Prabhu JAYAGOPAL, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India
- Rajaa SAIDI, INSEA, Morocco
- Rachid SAADANE, EHTP Casablanca, Morocco
- Roberto Scopigno, ISTI CNR, Italy
- Rachid Ait DAOUD, USMS
- Wassim Bouachir, TELUQ, CANADA
- Yassine MALEH, USMS, Morocco
- Yassine SADQI, USMS, Morocco
- Youness CHAABI, IRCAM, Morocco
- Younes KHOUDRIFI, USMS, Morocco
- Youssef SAADI, FST Beni Mellal, Morocco
- Yves DUTHEN, IRIT, France
- Youssef El MOURABIT, FST Beni Mellal, Morocco
- Youssef FAKHRI, Ibn Toufail, Morocco
- Youssef EL HABOUZ, University of Rennes, France
- Youcef BRIK, Mohamed BOUDIAF University M’sila, Algier
- Safa CHEBBI, Sup’Com, Tunisia
- Said EL KAFHALI, UH1, Morocco
- Saadia BENTACHFINE , FST Beni Mellal, Morocco
- Sofia BEN JEBARRA , Sup’Com, Tunisia
- Safaa Mahrach, ESTBM, Morocco
- Siham BOULKNADEL, IRCAM, Morocco
- Soufiane JOUNAIDI, ISGA, Morocco
- Soumia AIN LHAYAT, UH1, Morocco
- Soufiane JOUNAIDI, ISGA, Morocco
- Salvatore-Antoine Tabbone, LORIA UL, France
- Simar Preet Singh, Bennett University, India
- Soukaina Mihi, FSTS, UH1, Morocco
- Soufiane jounaidi, ISGA Casablanca, Morocco
- Taoufiq BELHOUSSINE DRISSI, FSAC Casablanca, Morocco
Keynote Speakers

Jean-Paul Delahaye
Emeritus Professor
University of Lille, France
Jean-Paul Delahaye est Professeur émérite à l’Université de Lille et chercheur au laboratoire CRISTAL (Centre de recherche en informatique signal et automatique de Lille, UMR CNRS 9189). Ses travaux portent sur les algorithmes de transformation de suites (Thèse d’État), sur l’utilisation de la logique en Intelligence artificielle (systèmes experts, langage Prolog) sur la théorie computationnelle des jeux (jeux itérés, simulations de systèmes sociaux, étude de la coopération), et sur la théorie algorithmique de l’information (théorie de la complexité de Kolmogorov, notion de contenu en calculs) avec en particulier des applications à la bioinformatique et à l’étude des marchés financiers. Il travaille aujourd’hui plus particulièrement sur les monnaies cryptographiques et la technologie des chaînes de blocs (« blockchain »), les stablecoins et les monnaies numériques de banques centrales. Il est membre du Comité Scientifique de l’Institut des Crypto-actifs de Paris. Il s’intéresse aux problèmes d’éthique dans les sciences et a été membre du Comité d’Ethique de CNRS (COMETS) de 2016 à 2021. Il a encadré 20 thèses. Il est l’auteur d’une vingtaine de livres, dont une partie est destinée à un large public. En 1998, il a reçu le Prix d’Alembert de la Société Mathématique de France et, en 1999, le Prix Auteur de la Culture scientifique du Ministère de l’Education Nationale et de la Recherche. Depuis plus de trente ans, il est responsable de la rubrique mensuelle Logique et calcul (6 pages) dans la revue Pour la science (version française du Scientific American).
Title: Toutes les blockchains engendrent-elles des dépenses absurdes d'énergie ?

Rajiv Ranjan
IEEE Fellow
Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Professor Rajiv Ranjan is an Australian-British computer scientist, of Indian origin, known for his research in Distributed Systems (Cloud Computing, Big Data, and the Internet of Things). He is University Chair Professor for the Internet of Things research in the School of Computing of Newcastle University, United Kingdom. He is an internationally established scientist in the area of Distributed Systems (having published about 350 scientific papers). He is a fellow of IEEE (2024), Academia Europaea (2022) and the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (2023). He is also the Founding Director of the International Centre (UK-Australia) on the EV Security and National Edge Artificial Intelligence Hub, both funded by EPSRC. He has secured more than $64 Million AUD (£32 Million+ GBP) in the form of competitive research grants from both public and private agencies. He is an innovator with strong and sustained academic and industrial impact and a globally recognized R&D leader with a proven track record. He serves on the editorial boards of top quality international journals including IEEE Transactions on Computers (2014-2016), IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, ACM Transactions on the Internet of Things, The Computer (Oxford University), and The Computing (Springer) and Future Generation Computer Systems. He led the Blue Skies section (department, 2014-2019) of IEEE Cloud Computing, where his principal role was to identify and write about the most important, cutting-edge research issues at the intersection of multiple, inter-dependent research disciplines within distributed systems research area including Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, and Edge Computing. He is one of the highly cited authors in computer science and software engineering worldwide (h-index=80+, g-index=250+, and 31000+ Google Scholar citations, h-index=60+and 16000+ Scopus citations, and h-index=50+ and 10000+ Web of Science Citations).
Title: Data and Resource Management Challenges for Digital Twins

Mohammed El Hassouni
Full Professor
Mohammed V University, Morocco
Mohammed El Hassouni is a full Professor of computer science at the Mohammed V University in Rabat. He received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Burgundy in 2005. His Ph.D. dissertation concerned the proposition of new method using higher order statistics for video denoising in a severely corrupted environment. He also received the Habilitation degree from Mohammed V University in 2012. He led and participated in several national and international research projects. He supervised more than 15 Ph.D. and Master Students in the area of image & video processing. His current research interests include the modelling and analysis of nD images. Especially, for visual quality assessment and medical imaging. He authored and co-authored numerous original journals and proceeding articles. He serves as a reviewer for major conferences and journals in the field of medical image analysis and pattern recognition. He is a member of IEEE, IEEE Signal Processing Society, INNS Moroccan chapter and several conferences program committee. He co-chaired the COMBI 2017, ACMMIPH 2018, COMBI 2019 and CIVIA 2020 tracks of ACM-SAC and, co-edited different Special Issues (JEI SPIE; “Perceptually Driven Visual Information Analysis”, MTAP Springer; “Advances in Computational intelligence for Multimodal Biomedical Imaging”). In 2024, he is a local co-chair of MICCAI and a general co-chair of IPTA 2024.
Title: Information Geometry for Low-Level Vision in the age of AI: Advances and perspectives

Francisco Herrera
Full Professor
Granada University, Spain
Title: Explainable Artificial Intelligence

Fatma Kerouh
Data Scientist
Waterville TG, Canada
Title: Artificial Intelligence at the Heart of Industrial Transformation: From 3.0 to 5.0
Fatma Kerouh, titulaire d’un doctorat en intelligence artificielle obtenu en Algérie. Enseignante universitaire puis chercheuse post-doctorale a l’Université de Sherbrooke, Canada. Conférencière internationale, auteure d’une cinquantaine d’articles scientifiques et intervenante dans plus de cinquante conférences nationales et internationales. Depuis 2020, scientifique de données Senior chez Waterville TG, Canada. Expertise: apprentissage machine, analyse de données, visualisation, et vision artificielle.

Saida Belouali
Experte AI Ethics
University Mohamed First, Morocco
Title: AI and Green Computing: The Paradox of Sustainability and the Imperative of Sobriety
Saida Belouali est professeur de l’Enseignement Supérieur spécialisée dans le domaine de l’éthique appliquée à l’IA. Forte d’un intérêt marqué pour les perspectives multiculturelles, elle est l’auteur de nombreuses publications et a fait des présentations lors de diverses conférences sur des sujets liés au numérique et à l’IA. Dans le contexte marocain, elle prend la tête de la conduite de recherches et de l’encadrement de thèses sur les implications éthiques de l’intelligence artificielle. Elle est co-responsable de la Maison de l’Intelligence Artificielle (MIA) à l’Université Mohammed Ier. Elle est codirectrice de la revue Éthique et Numérique et est un membre du AI Ethics Experts Without Borders (AIEB)UNESCO. En outre, elle a été experte principale en exercice pour la « Méthodologie d’évaluation de l’état de préparation à l’intelligence artificielle » de l’UNESCO au Maroc.

Jean-Paul Delahaye
Emeritus Professor
University of Lille, France

Rajiv Ranjan
IEEE Fellow
Newcastle University, United Kingdom

Mohammed El Hassouni
Full Professor
Mohammed V University, Morocco

Francisco Herrera
Full Professor
Granada University, Spain

Fatma Kerouh
Data Scientist
Waterville TG, Canada

Saida Belouali
Experte AI Ethics
University Mohamed First, Morocco
Track 1 : Artificial Intelligence for Multimedia Processing (not limited)
- AI for Computer Vision and Image Processing
- AI for Video Processing and Analysis
- AI for Audio and Speech Processing
- AI for Natural Language Processing and Text Analytics
- AI for Big Data and Multimedia Data Analytics
- Ethical Considerations in Multimedia AI
- AI for Image and Video Compression
- AI for Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
- AI for Multimedia Retrieval and Search
- AI for Multimedia Security and Privacy
- AI for Multimedia Content Generation
- AI for Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech
- AI for Emotion Recognition in Multimedia
- AI for Personalized Multimedia Recommendations
- AI for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in Multimedia Systems
Track chairs: Aouatif AMINE, Houda CHAKIB, Mathieu ROCHE
Track 2 : Artificial Intelligence for Distributed Computing and Networking (not limited)
- AI in Cloud Computing
- Edge AI and Fog Computing
- AI for IoT
- Scalable AI Algorithms for Distributed Systems
- AI for Blockchain-based Distributed Computing
- AI in Grid and Supercomputing Systems
- AI for Distributed Data Storage and Retrieval
- Ethical Issues in Decentralized AI Systems
- AI and Data Privacy in Distributed Systems
- AI for Cybersecurity in Distributed Systems
- AI for Network Traffic Analysis and Optimization
- AI for Autonomous Networking and Self-Organizing Systems
Track chairs: Youssef SAADI, Yassine SADQI, Gurjot SINGH GABA
Track 3 : Artificial Intelligence for Green Computing (not limited)
- AI to Optimize Power Consumption in Data Centers
- Energy-Aware AI Algorithms
- Eco-Friendly Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Green Cloud Computing
- Smart Grids and AI
- Low-Power Machine Learning for Resource-Constrained Devices
- Green AI: The Future of Sustainable Algorithms and Model Training
- Ethical Implications of AI in Sustainability
- AI for Sustainable Energy Production and Storage
- AI for Green Manufacturing and Industrial Optimization
- AI for Carbon Footprint Reduction
- AI for Sustainable Water Management
- AI for Climate Change Modeling and Predictions
- AI for Eco-Efficient Supply Chains
- AI for Waste-to-Energy Systems
- AI for Sustainable Urban Development and Smart Cities
- AI for Green Building and Environmental Design
- AI in Natural Resource Management and Conservation
- AI for Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Monitoring
Track chairs: Abdellatif HAIR, Françoise SAILHAN, Patrick
Track 4 : Artificial Intelligence Applications (not limited)
- AI for Computer Vision and Image Processing
- AI for Video Processing and Analysis
- AI for Audio and Speech Processing
- AI for Natural Language Processing and Text Analytics
- AI for Big Data and Multimedia Data Analytics
- Ethical Considerations in Multimedia AI
- AI for Image and Video Compression
- AI for Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
- AI for Multimedia Retrieval and Search
- AI for Multimedia Security and Privacy
- AI for Multimedia Content Generation
- AI for Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech
- AI for Emotion Recognition in Multimedia
- AI for Personalized Multimedia Recommendations
- AI for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in Multimedia Systems
Track chairs: Mohammed ERRITALI
Track 1 : Artificial Intelligence for Multimedia Processing (not limited)
Track chairs: Aouatif AMINE, Houda CHAKIB, Mathieu ROCHE
- AI for Computer Vision and Image Processing
- AI for Video Processing and Analysis
- AI for Audio and Speech Processing
- AI for Natural Language Processing and Text Analytics
- AI for Big data and Multimedia Data Analytics
- Ethical Considerations in Multimedia AI
- AI for Image and Video Compression
- List AI for Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)Item
- AI for Multimedia Retrieval and Search
- AI for Multimedia Security and Privacy
- AI for Multimedia Content Generation
- AI for Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech
- AI for Emotion Recognition in Multimedia
- AI for Personalized Multimedia Recommendations
- AI for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in Multimedia Systems
Track 2 : Artificial Intelligence for Distributed Computing and Networking (not limited)
Track chairs: Youssef SAADI, Yassine SADQI, Gurjot SINGH GABA
- AI in Cloud Computing
- Edge AI and Fog Computing
- AI for IoT
- Scalable AI Algorithms for Distributed Systems
- AI for Blockchain-based Distributed Computing
- AI in Grid and Supercomputing Systems
- AI for Distributed Data Storage and Retrieval
- Ethical Issues in Decentralized AI Systems
- AI and Data Privacy in Distributed Systems
- AI and Data Privacy in Distributed Systems
- AI for Cybersecurity in Distributed Systems
- AI for Network Traffic Analysis and Optimization
- AI for Autonomous Networking and Self-Organizing Systems
Track 3 : Artificial Intelligence for Green Computing (not limited)
Track chairs: Abdellatif HAIR, Françoise SAILHAN, Patrick
- AI to optimize power consumption in data centers
- Energy-aware AI algorithms
- Eco-friendly Machine learning-based techniques for green cloud computing
- Smart grids and AI
- Low-power machine learning for resource-constrained devices
- Green AI: The future of sustainable algorithms and model training
- Ethical Implications of AI in Sustainability
- AI for Sustainable Energy Production and Storage
- AI for Green Manufacturing and Industrial Optimization
- AI for Carbon Footprint Reduction
- AI for Sustainable Water Management
- AI for Climate Change Modeling and Predictions
- AI for Eco-efficient Supply Chains
- AI for Eco-efficient Supply Chains
- AI for Waste-to-Energy Systems
- AI for Sustainable Urban Development and Smart Cities
- AI for Green Building and Environmental Design
- AI in Natural Resource Management and Conservation
- AI for Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Monitoring
Track 4 : Artificial Intelligence Applications (not limited)
Track chairs: Mohammed ERRITALI
- AI for Healthcare
- AI for Smart cities
- AI in Business and Industry 4.0
- AI in Education
- AI in Environment
- AI in Finance
- AI in Social media
- AI for Agriculture
- AI for Robotics and Automation
- AI for Autonomous Vehicles
- AI for Cybersecurity
- AI for Customer Service and Chatbots

Youssef Saadi
Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Morocco
Roadmap for building production-ready applications using LLMs

Mohamed Youssfi
ENSET, Hassan II University, Morocco
Multi Modal Retrieval Augmented Generation and AI Agents

Gurjot Singh Gaba
Linköping University, Sweden
Practical Applications of Smart Contracts and AI-Based Intrusion Detection in Aviation Security

El Mahdi Aboulmanadel
How to collect realtime data and forcast anomalies using AI ?
Early registration | Late registration | |
Moroccan Students | € 100 (1000 MAD) | € 120 (1200 MAD) |
International Students | € 150 (1500 MAD) | € 170 (1700 MAD) |
Moroccan Academics | € 200 (2000 MAD) | € 230 (2300 MAD) |
International Academics | € 250 (2500 MAD) | € 280 (2800 MAD) |
Industrials | € 300 (3000 MAD) | € 350 (3500 MAD) |
Listeners | € 100 (1000 MAD) | € 120 (1200 MAD) |
Submission Guidelines
Submission guidelines:
Submissions must be original, not have been published, and not under review elsewhere during the evaluation process for this conference. All papers will be subjected to a rigorous double-blind peer-review by a distinguished panel of experts to ensure high academic and technical quality. All accepted papers that are presented at the conference will be published in Springer, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS) Series indexed in Scopus, DBLP, Springerlink, EI Compendex, INSPEC, SCImago, WTI AG and zbMATH.
- First log in or create an account:
Please find more information on this link: - Then, access to the submission page:
- Please respect the Springer Templates available download on:
- All submissions should be written in English.
- Manuscripts should follow the template: 10-15+ pages for full papers and 6-8+ pages for short papers, including figures, tables, and references.
- More information about how to submit:
- Select the appropriate track:
Track 1: AI for Multimedia Processing
Track 2: AI for Distributed Computing and Networking
Track 3: AI for Green Computing
Track 4: AI Applications- More information about how to submit on multi track conference:
Previous Conferences

- Beni Mellal:
- Casablanca:
- Marrakech:
Visa Information:
Parteners & Sponsors


Email Address
Campus Mghilla, BP 523 , 23000 Beni Mellal